GD Penis List
List Records Submit Guidelines


Whether you're new to the list, or just forgot the requirements, here are a list of rules for the GD Penis List, involving submitting levels, records, and more.

Please follow these rules when submitting to the form, as these keep the list as enjoyable as possible.


  1. The level must be legitimately verified.
  2. To ensure all levels are possible, we ask that The level must be legitimately verified by you or another user.

  3. The level cannot be longer than 30 seconds.
  4. Levels longer than 30 seconds will be removed. Levels at the 30 second mark are fine.

  5. The level was created or verified by you.
  6. To prevent users from submitting levels without the creator's permission, we ask that your submission was created by you or verified by you.

  7. The level has to be possible on every refresh rate.
  8. Not every user has the tools to change their refresh rate, so please make extra sure that others can properly play the level.

  9. The level can not have any frame perfects on any refresh rate.
  10. If the level is found to have a frame perfect on any refresh rate, it will also get removed.

  11. The level must be completely original.
  12. No buffed copies of pre-existing levels.

  13. The level has no click consistency of any duration in the level.
  14. Levels found to have any click consistency will be removed.

  15. The level can not have any sexual themes or innuendos.
  16. This includes obscure references to penises, semen, and other sexual objects or phrases.

  17. The level must have basic but complete structuring.
  18. While decorating isn't a requirement, levels must have some form of effort put into them, and cannot include mindless object spam.

  19. The level can not be placed on the legacy list.
  20. If the level submitted is going to be placed on the legacy list (#51 and lower), it will not be accepted.


  1. The record must be achieved without using hacks.
  2. FPS bypass is allowed, as long as it does not go above 360 FPS.

  3. The record must be achieved on the level that is listed on the site.
  4. Please check the level ID before you submit a record.

  5. The record must have either source audio or clicks/taps in the video.
  6. Edited in audio only does not count, and videos with background noise is preferred.

  7. The recording must have a previous attempt and entire death animation shown before the completion.
  8. This does not apply if the completion is on the first attempt. Everyplay records are exempt from this rule.

  9. The record must not use secret routes or bug routes.
  10. Only use the intended way set by the creator. If you're unsure, check the verification video. Records with small mistakes (e.g. not hitting an orb) are permitted.

  11. The record must not use easy modes.
  12. Only a record of the unmodified level qualifies.

  13. Once a level falls onto the Legacy List, we accept records for it for 24 hours after it falls off.
  14. Afterwards, we never accept records for said level.